Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Comment Moderation

When writing a new post, there are three options just above the post box: "new post", "edit posts", and "comment moderation". I read "comment moderation" and the first thing I thought of was "everything in moderation." Weird. I don't really understand how my brain works.

I've definitely been pretty moderate on this blog, haven't I? Yes. Here are stories I should tell in the future:

~the time we hit a deer in Maryland
~the time I punched through a window (accident!)
~the scar on my back

So really, my stories are all about my being injured. Awesome.

I want, however, to tell about my house! I'm pretty excited about my house. It's in Sherman Oaks, it's cute as a button, and my roommates are not crazy. Oh, that reminds me of another thing I should write about:

~Randall, the roommate with something that's currently undiagnosed

But I'm finally out of there, and as long as I can afford it, I love it. This is a great house. I'm living with my friend Tori from the ranch, and a girl (Andrea) who she works with, who is a lot of fun. We have a pool and a fireplace and a garage and lots of trees covered with purple flowers -- the purplest house on the block.

And the kitchen! This week I went domestic on that kitchen's ass -- all "what's up, kitchen? I'm going to BAKE the SHIT out of you!" And so I did. Made cookies for a gift-wrapping party I went to, then that night John came over and we made cornbread and spaghetti and sauce, and I put veggies and chicken and whatnot in the sauce. Yum. Call me Julia Child.

Also, I finished a necklace for Christmas for someone. I swear, every time Andrea came home this weekend she found me on the couch, beading. At least I know that if the "crazy horse girl" persona falls through, I've got "weird craft lady" to fall back on.

Speaking of Crazy Horse -- he's good. Very, very fat, due to two of the above topics and the following:


I haven't worked with him for like a month and a half, or ridden him, or anything. He's been sitting around in his stall getting fat, and then I take him out and let him run around in the arena with the other horses like it's a dog park. Today I plan to lunge him for the first time in over a month! Please pray for me.

Ok then!

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